Request Appointment
It may take up to two weeks for new client meetings to be scheduled.
Arizona APEX Accelerator requires you to have an existing for-profit company legally filed in the state of Arizona, and be ready to pursue contracts with government agencies.
We do not assist with startup ideas, business training, business planning, loans, or business capitalization. Please see our network partner Arizona SBDC for that assistance.
As an APEX client, you agree to:
Complete and return a quarterly survey and awards report
Meet with a counselor for a minimum of 30 minutes per year, or attend an Arizona APEX seminar annually
Log in to your client account regularly to update any company information and status
Your company should meet the general standards for being a responsible prospective contractor.
To do business with the government, your company should have:
Adequate financial resources (able to perform on a contract before receiving payment from the government);
Available time, money, and personnel to commit to the procurement process and contract performance;
A satisfactory performance record with a history of completed work;
A satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics;
Business controls in place such as accounting, quality assurance, safety, cybersecurity, etc.;
The equipment, facilities, licenses, insurance, etc. necessary to perform work in your industry.
Sign up here to request an appointment:
If you have previously signed up already, please reach out to your assigned counselor directly, or contact our main office.