
APEX Accelerators

The APEX Accelerators program was created in 1985 by Congress with the goal to help more businesses get involved in government contracts. At its inception, it was called the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP), or Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC).

In 2020, the program transferred to the Department of Defense's Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), and the name changed to APEX Accelerators.

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The APEX Accelerators program is all about strengthening and supporting U.S. supply chains by helping a diverse range of businesses that want to work with federal agencies, state and local governments, and other prime contractors.

Arizona APEX — Our Mission

Increase the number of Arizona businesses that are capable of participating in the government marketplace

Procurement Readiness

The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) can be described as all the companies and industries that produce goods and provide services for national defense and security. This includes everything from making military gear to doing research on new defense tech to supplying the parts used in defense systems. It's a big part of the economy that's focused on keeping the country safe and ready for anything.

The Government Industrial Base (GIB) is basically all the companies and industries the government uses to help out with national interests, security, and taking care of the public. It's kind of like the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) but broader because it covers a lot more than just defense and security. Think of it as everything the government needs to keep things running smoothly.

To maintain a strong DIB and GIB, the U.S. government needs the valuable goods, services, and innovations that small businesses provide. However, many small business owners aren't fully prepared to work with the government. Our goal is to improve your "readiness" to work with federal, state, and local governments.

Although we are here to help businesses participate in government contracting, we are not allowed to do any work on behalf of the business. Our concentration is to offer counseling for your small business to become more capable of participating in government contracts. It is up to you as a business owner to lead your company in its pursuit of government customers.